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Staff are carefully selected for their ability to understand and nurture each individual. Most of our staff have been Oconto campers themselves.


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Our staff are chosen for their leadership skills, maturity and experience working with young people. They are fantastic role models.


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Counsellors must have the necessary qualifications for the activity that they teach. For example, all waterfront staff have their National Lifeguard (NL) Certification.


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Our staff know how to make anything a fun and exciting experience- from canoeing in the rain to making up a dance routine! Music, dance, drama and visual arts are an important part of Oconto’s program.

An Experienced and Prepared Team!

The vast majority of our camp counsellors are eighteen or older and most have completed our two-year counsellor-in-training program (C.I.T.).

Staff members arrive at Oconto a week before camp opens for their in-camp training program. They review camp routines and traditions, refresh their skills, and plan great programs for the summer! The week ensures that all the staff members come together as a team to offer campers the best possible experience during their time at Oconto.

Health & Safety

Health and safety are, of course, a top priority at Oconto. We have two nurses on site, while camp is in session. There is usually a doctor or nurse practitioner (NP) as well.

Rich in history and traditions



Section Heads – 2024



Office Manager

Hey Oconto!! My name is Bronwyn and I am super excited to be back at camp this summer as Office Manager! This will be my 13th summer at camp and I can’t wait to spend it on the shores of Eagle Lake. I am currently living in the mountains in British Columbia working at a ski resort but I am counting down the days until I get to back at camp with all of you! When I’m not in the office this summer you’ll find me sailing on the Hobie kat, paddling a red cedar wood canoe, or throwing a new mug on the wheel at pottery. While a lot of my time this summer will be spent organizing all things camp and making sure your mail and merch makes it to you in section you can bet I will be around for all the sing-alongs, special theme days, and Sunday evening concerts! Can’t wait to see you all so soon!!!




Hi, Tads!! My Name is Annie Leffler, and I’m so so so excited to be your Section Head this summer! This will be my 16th summer here at Oconto, and I’m so glad to spend the summer with you all! While I’m not at camp, you can find me on the East Coast, where I study Canadian Studies, Sociology, and Visual and Material Cultures at Mount Allison University. As much as I enjoy my time at school, I love Oconto more, and I can’t wait to get this summer started! I can’t wait to be back on Eagle Lake, jumping off the diving board, being creative at pottery, and searching for Oconto Fairies! This summer will be filled with laughs, fabulous dance parties and maybe even some magic!! Can’t wait to spend the summer with all of you on Tad Mountain!




Hey hey Chips!! I’m Sara and I am BEYOND excited to be your Head of Chips this summer! This will be my 12th year at Oconto and I absolutely cannot wait to be back with all of you! When I’m not at camp, I’m studying accounting at McGill University. But… there’s nowhere I’d rather be than on the shores of Eagle Lake! Apart from the Burrow, you’ll find me around camp splashing in the water, picking plants from the garden, and making beaded animals at arts and crafts. We are going to have the most fun singing, dancing, and being our silliest selves around Oconto together. I can’t wait for all that this summer has in store and to get to know every one of you! Get excited to have the best time ever Chips!!!!!




Hey Eagles!!!! My name is Grace and I am SOOO excited to be your section head this summer!!!! This will be my 14th summer at Oconto and I can’t wait to spend it with all of you! I’m currently studying History at Dalhousie University in Halifax. I love school, but I love my summers at camp even more!!! My all time favourite activities at camp are Swimming Lessons, Diving, and Kayaking. I’m already counting down the days until I’m back in the rock garden with all of your smiling faces!!!




Hey Ints!!! My name is Erica and I am beyond excited to be your section head this summer! This will be my 13th summer at Oconto, and I can’t wait to spend it on Main Beach with all of you! During the year, you can find me at Queen’s University where I am in my third year studying Kinesiology. Oconto is my favourite place in the world so going back each summer is definitely the highlight of my year. I absolutely love to perform silly acts at Sunday Evening Concert, have dance parties, and swim in Eagle Lake any chance I get! I’m counting down the days until we are hanging out on the porch of Main Lodge, and making countless memories together. I can’t wait to get to know all of you and have the BEST SUMMER EVER!!!!




Hi Seniors! My name is Lili and I am super excited to be your section head this summer! This will be my 11th summer at Oconto and I am so lucky that I get to spend it with all of you! During the school year I am in Work and Labour studies at McMaster University where I am currently finishing my second year. I am impatiently waiting to be on the shores of Eagle lake with all of you! At camp my absolute favourite activity is Pottery, but I am super excited to hang out with you guys all over camp! I am counting the days until fun dress-ups, epic evening programs and stellar sunday evening concert performances! I’m so excited to get to spend my whole summer with you all and I can’t wait to have an absolute blast this summer!

Maddy and Megan

Maddy and Megan


Salutations QCs! We are Maddy and Megan and we are eagerly awaiting our return to Oconto! This summer will be of the utmost silly goose vibes and spending it with all of you will be the bee’s knees!

This upcoming summer will mark Maddy’s 13th year at Oconto. During the year, Maddy attends Queen’s University where she is currently finishing her final year of study, and will graduate with a degree in Health Studies. As much as Maddy loves school and learning, her favourite part of the year is returning to the shores of Eagle Lake each summer! Maddy can’t wait for wacky dress-ups, playing on the Jo-Bros and roasting marshmallows at All Camp Campfire.

This is Megan’s 16th year at Oconto and she is delighted to be spending it in QC Land! Megan is currently finishing up her Bachelors of Education at Brock University and she can’t wait to start teaching in the fall! While school is great and all, Megan is counting down the days until we are back on the shores of Eagle Lake! If in doubt you can likely find Megan at Canoe Dock where she loves to get back in the boat and teach!

We are so thrilled to be your Heads of QCs this summer and cannot wait for stellar sessions, QC All Camp, and to conquer Algonquin together! We both absolutely love Oconto and are so excited to share that love with you as you begin your staff journey! We cannot contain our excitement and are looking forward to seeing your smiling faces!




Hello to my sweet squishy Semis of Summer 2024!! My name is Claire Leffler, and I am sooo excited to be your Head of Semis this summer! This will be my 17th summer at Oconto, and I cannot wait to spend it on the sunny shores of Eagle Lake with all of you. As you might know, I have had a blast traveling around Australia these past few months and am currently living in Byron Bay, NSW! While I am having an amazing time in Australia, I can’t wait to be back at Oconto, canoeing in the Bay, hanging out with the horses in the Barn, and searching the forest for the Oconto Fairies! Semis is such an incredible year filled with new friendships, new experiences, new responsibilities, and so much growth. I am so excited to watch you all be amazing counsellors to many wonderful campers. This summer is going to be filled with great sessions, lots of bonding and so many laughs!

2025 Camp Countdown






