Information Bulletin


Parents of Campers

Recommended Packing List
We are excited to have your camper join us at Oconto and we are honoured that you have given us the responsibility of taking care of them.
We will be sure to keep her safe and happy! We will help her be independent, have fun, learn new skills, and make lifelong friends. The lessons she will learn at camp will stay with her forever.
To help you get organized for camp you will receive the Important Camper Information Bulletin via email prior to departure time.
In the meantime, we have assembled booklets for both new campers and for the families of new campers. Both booklets are designed to answer the most common questions that we are asked about preparing for camp.
We have also provided you with our recommended packing list. We recommend that wherever possible, you send old or worn out clothing to camp. Please don’t buy brand new clothes, as we encourage girls to play freely and can’t guarantee that they will come home without stains! All clothing should be marked with your camper’s first and last name in permanent marker. Please leave all valuables and electronics at home – your camper won’t need them at Oconto!
Visitor days for Four Week Campers
We have put together a helpful booklet for new campers that addresses all of the common questions campers have before arriving at camp for the first time.
The list of questions we answer include:
- What kinds of food will I be eating at Camp Oconto?
- I’m a vegetarian, so what will I eat?
- I have a special diet or food allergies, will there be something for me to eat if I can’t eat a particular meal?
- How long will it take me to get to Camp Oconto?
- Where will I sleep at camp?
- How many campers will I be sharing a cabin or zebo with?
- Are there showers?
- Are there lots of bugs?
- Can I bring costumes to camp?
- Should I bring my nice new clothes?
- What is a typical day at camp like?
- Is there electricity in camp?
- Can I bring my laptop, TV, cell phone, or other electronic devices?
- What about my iPod and digital camera?
- What are counsellors?
- What do counsellors do at camp?
- What if I get lost?
- What should I do if I have a problem?
- Will I be able to phone home?
- What if I get homesick?
If your particular question is not addressed in this booklet you can visit our Frequently Asked Questions section for more information.
Parents of a New Camper Booklet
We have put together a helpful booklet for parents of new campers that addresses all of the common questions parents have before sending their daughter to camp.
The list of questions we answer include:
- What do you suggest that I, the parent, say when talking with my child about camp?
- Are there any statements which we should avoid saying to our daughter?
- Missing Home: What can you do to help?
- Tips to Prepare for Summer Camp
- Should we drive, or arrange for our daughter to take the chartered bus to camp?
- Driving my daughter to camp: What time should we arrive?
- What can we expect once we arrive at camp?
- What should I know about picking up my daughter at the end of her camp session?
- Should we take our daughter out of camp on Visitors’ Day?
- Do the majority of campers use sleeping bags or blankets and sheets?
- When is the Oconto camper T-shirt worn?
- Are swim lessons mandatory?
- What swim level must my daughter pass in order to participate in sailing, canoeing and kayak activities?
- What swim level is required to participate in Boardsailing activities?
- Do all the girls go on an over-night canoe trip?
- Is special equipment required for the Riding program?
- Do you offer Western style horseback riding?
- Should I send a care package to my daughter?
- Should I send mail to camp?
- Receiving mail from camp!
- What is the camp policy regarding Tuck?
- Accident and Illness
- Should I check my daughter for lice before sending her to camp?
- The Tough Stuff – and How We Can Handle Them Together; Bullying, Homesickness and “I’m Too Cool for Camp”
If your particular question is not addressed in this booklet you can visit our Frequently Asked Questions section for more information.
Clothing & Accessories Packing List for Camp
We strongly suggest trying to “wear out” clothing at camp rather than “buying new” for camp wherever possible. Camp is for fun, not worrying about clothes.
August Campers: Please realize that evenings and early mornings can be quite cool at camp. Please send suitably warm clothing. We suggest that you purchase the Oconto sweatshirt and pants – they are warm and easy to wash.
Important Packing Tips for Parents:
- To prevent loss, see that EVERY article is plainly marked with name tags or permanent marker. Please don’t just write initials.
- Bedding, etc., should be packed in a hockey bag.
- Clothing and other personal effects should be packed in a small trunk or suitcase.
- If your child is troubled with enuresis, kindly include extra sheets and pajamas.
- Have your daughter assist in packing her belongings, so that she will be familiar with what is there.
- TAPE our printable list of articles sent on the inside cover of trunk (or suitcase). At the end of your daughter’s stay the list will be checked by her counsellor to try to ensure that nothing is left behind.
- Please leave all valuables, i.e. watches, jewellery, etc. at home. Thank you.
- MANY GOOD SHOES AND OTHER ITEMS OF CLOTHING ARE LEFT AT CAMP DUE TO LACK OF IDENTIFICATION. Please use a name tag or permanent marker and mark all shoes on the underside of the Tongue or on the sole.
2025 Camp Countdown